Alopecia Universalis

Alopecia Universalis is a condition in which there is complete loss of hair on the scalp and also all over the body. Unlike other alopecia conditions that specifically affect the scalp hair, Alopecia Universalis results in hair loss from scalp as well as other hear bearing regions of the body. Alopecia Universalis is thought to be a progression of alopecia areata that begins with round patches of hair loss on the scalp. About 1 to 2% people who develop alopecia areata show progression into Alopecia Universalis. The causes of Alopecia Universalis are not known, but it is thought to be an autoimmune disorder that occurs when body’s own immune system attacks hair follicles. Some experts also suspect involvement of environmental as well as genetic factors. Since hair loss is of non-scarring type hair re-growth may be possible in some cases. This article discusses the clinical features, aetiology and available treatment options for Alopecia Universalis.
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