Traction Alopecia

Traction Alopecia is a type of hair loss that occurs due to increased tension on the hair follicles from pulling of hair. Hair done into tight ponytails, dreadlocks or braids put a lot of pressure on the hair shaft as well as the hair follicles. As a result of constant force the hair follicles gets damaged and result in hair loss. Hair loss in Traction Alopecia occurs due to physical factors and is totally different from other hair loss such as alopecia aerata, alopecia totalis or Cicatricial alopecia that mainly occur due to biological or immunological factors. Traction Alopecia can affect adults as well as children. Certain races especially the Africans are more prone to developing Traction Alopecia due to tradition of putting hair into tight braids or dreadlocks. Other cultures or professionals such as Sikhs who twist hair to put it neatly under turbans, ballerina dancers who put hair into tight buns or sport players who wear tight caps or pull their hair into tight ponytails also show high prevalence of Traction Alopecia. The prevalence of Traction Alopecia increases with age as the hair follicles starts getting weaker. This article explains the causes, symptoms, and prevention strategies for hair loss due to Traction Alopecia.
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